Sunday, January 2, 2011

Setting the Right Mood

Like most people, I have a lot of hope for this new year. 2010 was challenging. 2011 feels like it's going to be a fresh new perspective. Which, I sincerely hope is true. I've gone and unloaded a lot of the baggage I've had in 2010. Tag it with whatever catchphrase you feel will work. Live and let live. Let go and move on. All I know is, from hereon, I'm moving forward.

Having said that, I've decided to do two things. One is, I decided to go back to writing. I even created this brand new blog just so I can start devoting more time to writing again. Another is, I decided to start a good habit called Project 365. The entire goal is to take one photo a day. It doesn't seem much, but if you think about it, it's hell to keep up with for an entire year. My perception of it is that; you can always find something beautiful to chronicle or make a memory of everyday. And so I started the year with a picture of pencils.

I wanted to start the year with positivity. They say we get what we deserve, right? I believe that I deserve a good year this time. I know I can work to get it. This year is going to be beautiful simply because I choose to make it one. As the shoutout on my Facebook goes; 2011, you are so going to love me! :D

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